One of the priorities for the staff this week was to finalize the schedules for the Winter I Session that begins on January 6th.  On Friday, I was invited to sit in on their planning meeting to hash out schedules and programming. There are two unique situations that occur as the team develops the schedules: first, there are recreation programs from the city that have to be included in the programming and second, as the staff develops more programming the spaces available become overbooked.  The meeting then becomes a strategic battle by each director to make sure their programming is included and on the days and times their staff is able to work. 

It's great to see the facility begin to offer so many diverse programs and activities, on the other hand, it is very difficult to coordinate scheduling of studio and meeting room times.  At some point during the Fall Sessions the Yoga class had to have class in the office area because the Square Dancing Club was using the studio.  This was very distracting to the people participating in the yoga class as people were in and out of the offices at the entire class.  This time, the staff took extra time to be sure there was no double-booking and that all individuals participating in activites would be happy and enjoy their class.

I was able to lend feedback throughout the meeting and my "couch to 5k" program will be included in the Winter itinerary!

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