This week there was not much going on in the Sports Department, so I elected to help Roger Hanafin (Youth, Teen and Family Programming Director) with some prepartations for the Teen Leaders Club Fundraiser. The first fundraiser is going to be a Rock Wall Climbing Competition that will be held at the end of January. The teens will be helping get sponsorships, plan the event, and volunteer to work at the event. I spent the afternoon making some marketing materials to promote the competition and preparing the registration form that will be used to sign up.

It is very exciting to see new events being promoted at the Y!  Nearly one year ago there were very few activities to choose from, especially for children and families, as the membership base was not there yet and the facility had not had time to develop programming for families yet. I was one of the Delaware YMCA's initial members and I remember being very frustrated at the low level of programming it had to offer at the time.  I now understand the time it takes the staff to develop the programs that work well within a community and the time and resources it takes to plan and staff the programs and events.

I am including a copy of the Rock Wall Competition Registration form that I helped prepare.
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