This Friday was Family Fun Night at the Y!  My son and I spent time volunteering together to help make it a great event. Roger asked if I would mind helping out with a craft project, so I found this easy snowman ornament to make with the kids.

This was a great event to spend time volunteering with my oldest son.  I think it's important to provide these types of experiences to kids and teens to help develop them as responsible citizens and leaders in the community. It was also another great way for me to spend time interacting with children and their parents at the Y.  These types of events are right up my alley, I really enjoy planning and organizing family centered activities. I believe its important for parents to spend time with their children outside the home, not always playing video games or watching television. 

I have considered additional educational opportunities for myself in nutrition and life/family coaching as part of my career path. I am happy that this internship is allowing me to expand on many of the health & wellness ideas/activities I already did. 

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